Lost Cat

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Lost atShirley and Beverly, Arcata
Lost onFriday, June 21, 2019
DescriptionMeeko ran out my front door when I got home last night. I was able to follow him for a minute or two, but then he went under my neighbor's house and I couldn't see him anymore. He was an indoor/outdoor cat at my old house but we recently moved to Sunnybrae (on Shirley and Beverly) and he doesn't really know the area since I've kept him indoors. He's only been outside here for a couple minutes before. He usually comes home when he's hungry, but I'm not sure he knows how to find his way home if he wandered off far. He is entirely grey and missing one canine tooth. He is also chipped but does not have a collar. He is very missed and loved! Please let me know if you think you may have seen him. Thank you so much.