Reunited Cat

ColorGrey with stripes
Lost at137 12th St Apt 5A, Fortuna
Lost onFriday, Aug. 30
DescriptionWhiskey, is our baby boy and he used to be an out door kitty we got him friend a close friend and brought him home and spoiled him with love and toys. He has been an indoor kitty for a few weeks now. We had the window cracked about an inch and today around lunch time he had gotten out the window. We live next to the Fortuna Highschool we have searched the surrounding areas and fields saying his name on repeat, he is very vocal he loves loves attention he loves his name he meows everytime he hears his name and comes up for love. I’m praying he is safe and will find his way home. We have the window open for him to jump back in if he can find his way home and set the litter box on porch so hopefully he can smell his way home. He is very loved by my little family, my daughter and I. Please if you find our whiskey boy please reach out! We will even pay a reward!