Reunited Cat

Colororange and white
Lost at2044 Nelson Road, McKinleyville
Lost onSunday, March 16
DescriptionMacAlistair is my emotional support animal. I last saw him early Sunday morning about 6:30am for morning cuddles before his usual time of going outside for bathroom break. I thought it was strange he didn't come back when the rain started. Those who know him will remember other times he has gotten lost by being trapped in someone's car or home. We've already looked in two empty homes in the neighborhood of Nelson Road off of Sutter. There are also 3 empty vehicles, but the doors and windows are locked. Please help me get my feisty little character back. He's wearing a green harness, grey flea collar and blue and pink collar with a bell. He is chipped, but that can't be tracked from an app. It only works if he's taken into a vet.